Welcome to Cutting Edge Gift - Tyler Kaplan


Message from the Founder and CEO

"Over the past four years we have grown from a one man show to a team of thirteen members working everyday to provide value for you and your clients. Our gifting program began with only one, today we stand at three. We have expanded from one product line to five product lines, all with a focus on helping you build better relationships. Our fulfillment used to be outsourced, however due to a rapid growth in production we now have our own machines to improve turn time and quality control." - Eric Chandler

Our Mission

"Our mission is to revolutionize the way businesses and sales professionals connect with clients and prospects through the art of strategic gift giving."
If you are in the business it's more than likely that relationship building is vital to your success. We offer an all in one gifting, appreciation, and follower service. Whether you need us to send handwritten cards, custom engraved gifts to your clients/prospects or stocking you with gifts to have on-hand, we have you covered. We also implement gift campaigns to strategically add value to your client every quarter.

Our implementation strategy will have your clients reaching out with gratitude and appreciation.

We work with hundreds of realtors, lawyers, builders, flooring companies and more across North Carolina, South Carolina, and South Florida.

What are some benefits from using our gifts?

  1. They systematize your gifting based on business volume and cashflow.
  2. They are a form of marketing.
  3. Our program creates top of mind awareness with your clients.
  4. Long-term branding with gifts that are guaranteed forever.

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