• Customized checking options
  • Access to the world's largest surcharge-free ATM Network
  • Mobile Banking with Mobile Deposit
  • Bill Pay with ebills and person to person payments
  • Competitive savings rates
  • Secure 24/7 access
  • Bank to Bank transfer options

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Range Bank's Routing Number?
Range Bank's Routing Number is 091101950.

What does ACH stand for?

Automated Clearing House (also referred to as ACH) is the network that processes electronic financial transactions in the United States. This contains large volumes of credit and debit transactions in batches from a variety of different types of organizations and businesses. Examples of ACH credit transactions would include direct deposit payroll and payments to vendors made electronically. ACH direct debit transfer examples include consumer payments on things like insurance premiums, mortgage loans, cell phone bills and other monthly types of expenses. Debit transactions also include new applications such as the Point-of-Purchase (POP) with debit and/or ATM cards or electronic check conversions where the merchant scans your check, converts it to an ACH item and then gives your check back to you.

What is CDARS?

CDARS, pronounced like the tree "cedars", stands for Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service. This service provides customers with multi-million dollar FDIC Insurance coverage, so even the largest of depositors can be assured their money is insured and protected.

It's a great account solution for:
•High net-worth individuals
•Business accounts
•Municipalities and other public fund organizations
•Anyone needing insurance in excess of standard FDIC insurance limits
CDARS helps simplify your banking efforts by providing a single institution that can provide one competitive rate, one statement and one set of 1099 tax forms for end of year tax planning. Rather than spread your money around multiple financial institutions to ensure you have proper FDIC Insurance coverage, use CDARS and remain protected!
Range Bank is proud to offer CDARS for our customers and you can open your account at any of our office locations. Terms vary from four (4) weeks to 36 months. You visit the official site at www.CDARS.com for additional details on this great service.

What is FDIC insurance and what does it mean for my accounts?

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is a United States government corporation created by the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. It provides deposit insurance, which guarantees the safety of deposits in member banks, currently up to $250,000* per depositor per bank. The FDIC also examines and supervises certain financial institutions for safety and soundness, performs certain consumer-protection functions, and manages failed banks. Insured institutions (like Range Bank) are required to place signs at their place of business stating that "deposits are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States Government" and since the start of FDIC insurance on January 1, 1934, no depositor has lost a single cent of insured funds as a result of a failure.

*As an interesting side note, with Range Bank's CDARS program, customers can obtain multi-million dollar FDIC insurance protection, making it possible to insure funds beyond the typical FDIC limits.

What should I do if my debit card is lost or stolen?

If you find that your debit card is lost or stolen, please report it as soon as possible.

During normal business hours, please call your local Range Bank office to report your debit card lost or stolen. Visit our Range Bank locations page to look up your local office.


After business hours, please call (866) 546-8273 to report your card lost or stolen. If you received an email, text, or phone call regarding potential fraud on your account please contact our auto-dialer service at (800) 417-4592 to confirm fraud or no fraud.

You can also report your debit card lost or stolen 24 hours a day by logging into your online banking account, choosing the Options tab and then clicking ATM/Debit Card. Check the box next to the card that is lost or stolen and click Submit. You will need to contact your local Range Bank to order a new card.
Why won't my debit card work?

Due to high volumes of fraud in certain countries and states, your card may not work for certain ATM/debit card transactions. Please contact Range Bank to receive a list of countries and states blocked for transactions.
Can I raise my debit card limit?
Yes, contact your nearest Range Bank office to request a debit card limit increase.

How current is the information displayed in Online Banking?

The available balance for checking and savings accounts is "real-time" and will change throughout the day based on your activity. However, there may be items that will not be reflected in your balance until after the bank completes its nightly processing.
Do you still have questions? 

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